Ask the Seller FAQs

What is “ask the seller”?

Potential buyers can now send you messages about your vehicle directly. We've implemented ask the seller on all auction listings so that you can chat safely with buyers without us getting in the way.

Why am I receiving questions directly?
Questions are sent by potential buyers who are interested in your vehicle, giving you the opportunity to provide the most correct, up to date information and encourage bidding.


Who can ask a question on my listing?

Only registered users can send questions, i.e. users that have been verified by us and have a Car & Classic account, ensuring a legitimate and safe interaction.


Are questions moderated?

Yes. All questions are checked by us before being sent to avoid any inappropriate behaviour or unpleasantness, creating a safe space to interact.


How do I view my questions?

Simply log in to your account and choose the relevant listing. You will then see the conversation button which you can click in order to reply to any questions.


Will I receive notifications?

Yes. We'll let you know when questions have been added to any of your listings, allowing you to access conversations from your emails, C&C account notifications area and SMS messages.


How do I reply to questions?

Click on the conversation button on the relevant listing when logged in to your Car & Classic account. Alternatively you can reply via notifications in your emails, C&C account or SMS messages.


Who can see the questions?

Only you and the person who has commented can see the individual comments. They are not publicly viewable, nor are they viewable by other users.


Do I have to reply?

No. You don't have to reply if you don't want to but it is highly recommended as engagement is key to increasing sale potential.


Can I send pictures?

Yes. You can include up to ten pictures in your reply.


Can a buyer arrange a viewing?

Yes. A separate “arrange viewing” option will be available to buyer's who click on the “contact seller” button, allowing you to agree on a time and place that is convenient.